© 2023 Michael Boylan for City Council • The copying or duplication of any text, images or video from this website is prohibited. No part of the materials available through this website, domain or subdomains may be reproduced, photographed or translated in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Michael Boylan for City Council Campaign. All data is protected by United States copyright law and may not be distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast without the prior written permission of the Michael Boylan for City Council Campaign, 1829 Melrose Plantation Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32223. All videos are protected under the laws of the United States. Any unauthorized exhibition, distribution or reproduction of videos or images or any part thereof may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. The password-protected pages of this website are not publicly accessible and are intended for private use with credentialed access. Unauthorized use is prohibited.